
Islamabad – Chilas – Fairy Meadow – Beyal – Astore Rama Lake – Deosai  Plains – Skardu – Shigir kahpulo – Fly Islamabad- Drive Chilas – Islamabad. 

Altitude: 4,114 metres.
Best time: June – end of October.
Duration: 13days.

Deosai Plains Jeep Safari


The Deosai Plains lie between the Indus River and the southern extension of the Himalayan Range, whose most famous peak is NangaSheosar Lake in Deosai Plains Parbat(8125m). At an average height of 3800m, the undulating, green, flower-filled meadows are surrounded by snow capped peaks and the drive through these plains is a soul stirring experience. Deosai National Park is at an average elevation of 4,114 metres (13,497 ft) above the sea level, making the Deosai Plains the second Nanga Parbat Rupal Face Above Sheosar Lake from Deosai Plains highest plateau in the world, after the adjacent Tibetan Plateau. The park protects an area of 3,000 square kilometers (1,200 sq mi). It is well known for its rich flora and fauna of the Karakoram-West Tibetan Plateau alpine steppe ecoregion. In the spring season it is covered by sweeps wildflowers and a wideBrown Bear at Deosai variety of butterflies. After then, fresh water lakes abound, and as a result, make this seldom-disturbed area a haven for wildlife, including Brown Bear and Markhor. Our jeep ride from Skardu will take us through Sat Para Valley over Ali Malik Pass(4082m) to Kala Pani Stream. From here one can hike over levelWild Animal in Deosai National Park ground to the next camp spot of Deosai Lake(3865m). One will then drive over Chachor Pass(4267m), to Tarashing, which is the jump-off spot for treks and expeditions to the Rupal face of Nanga Parbat. Explore the area, including a possible hike to Chungpar Glacier. Continue on to Rama Lake and after spending a day hiking in the area, jeep from Rama to Gilgit. Many wild species can be find in Deosai National Park

Deosai – Sheosar Lake

DeosaiLake, or Sheosar Lake from the Shina language meaning “Blind lake” (Sheo – Blind, Sar – lake) is in the park. The lake, at an elevation of 4,142 metres (13,589 ft), is one of the highest lakes in the world. Its length is 2.3 kilometers (7,500 ft), width 1.8 kilometers (5,900 ft) and average depth 40 metres (130 ft). It is located near the ChilimValley on the Deosai Plains.


The Deosai National Parkwas established in 1993 to protect the survival of the Himalayan Brown Bear, Pakistan’s largest omnivore, and its habitat. Having long been a prize kill for poachers and hunters, the bear now has a hope for survival in Deosai where its number has increased from only 19 in 1993 to 40 in 2005.

The Deosai Plains are also home to the Himalayan Ibex, Red Fox, Golden Marmot, Gray Wolf, the Ladakh Urial, the Snow Leopard, and over 124 resident and migratory birds. Birds in the park include the Golden Eagle, Lammergeier, Griffon Vulture, Laggar Falcon, Peregrine Falcon, Kestrel, Sparrowhawk and Snowcock.

 Access to Deosai Plains:

The Deosai Plains and Deosai National Parkcan be accessed via two routes. One is through Skardu City and the second through Astore District .The road from Astore starts from Chilum, continues through the plains and is asphalt road till the main lake before climbing to Deosai. The route from Skardu is via an unpaved road which can be hiked in two days. By jeep it is only a matter of hours. Deosai Lake is located in Gilgit-Baltistan. The beauty of Himalayas is visible every where around Deosai.